This page is for volunteers and contains valuable information, advice and links. Please read through and bookmark the page for future reference. You are probably here because you’ve been given this webpage link as part of the volunteering process or have signed our Safeguarding Policy & Code of Conduct
In whatever way you are volunteering to help our organisation and the community, your personal health and wellbeing is vitally important. You may speak with, or meet with, vulnerable people who are struggling with mental health issues, depression, sucidal thoughts or physical wellbeing issues. It can have a significant impact on your own health. Please always to remember to:
- Be mindful of how you feel. If the work you are doing becomes overwhelming, emotionally or physically draining or you simply feel the need for a break – STOP. Let someone know and take the time you need to look after yourself first.
- Check in with others. We have our own volunteer support group, along with professional counsellors who are available for a chat or additional support. Often talking with your peers can help. Or find a trusted colleague or family member you can check in with regularly.
- Let us know if you’re struggling. All communications with the Let’s Talk, Stansted! steering team are strictly confidential so please let us know if you need a break or need support. You can email at any time using contact@stanstedmentalhealth.org or call/text one of the team.
- Elaine Knibbs – 07896 633812, letstalkstansted@gmail.com / elaine.knibbs@risemutual.org
- Anne Guney – 07767 412197, letstalkstansted@gmail.com / nannyanniechildcare@gmail.com
- Richard Haywood – 07794 268208
We maintain a group on Whatsapp which we use for immediate communications between our trained volunteers. If you have Whatsapp and would like to be added please send a message to Richard (07794 268208)
If you don’t already have a role within our team, or you want to do more, we keep a list of our activities, groups and events on the webpage below where you can find out more or get in touch with the relevant facilitator. You can also find out more about some groups on the main website pages. You are also very welcome to share this link with anyone who may be interested in participating.
If you haven’t yet had any mental health awareness or first aid training, please look out for announcements or let us know you’re ready. There are a range of different courses available throughout the year. You’ll also find details of upcoming courses on our trainging page here:
Referring people to appropriate support groups, activities and frontline services is a crucial part of our work. You may already be aware of some local groups or national helplines, but we also maintain an up-to-date list at the page below. It includes national helplines, local support organisations, village groups and activities, plus links to general mental wellbeing resources such as apps and websites. It’s an ideal resource for looking up information or finding contact details and we’d recommend you bookmark this page.
We have t-shirts and posters you can use as part of helping us with our work. Get in touch if you’d like some!